Britain Get Growing: Fun Grow Your Own Activities
With the School Easter holidays in a few weeks, we thought we’d put together some fun Grow Your Own activities you can do at home to keep the children entertained.
Activity One: Egg Cartons Planting
Reusing old egg cartons for planting seedlings can be a fun and low-cost activity that will entertain the children during the school holidays.
What you will need:
- Empty Cardboard Egg Boxes
- Compost
- A packet of tomato seeds
- Straw or Pencil
- Seed trays or an old Tupperware container
- Propagator

- Start by cutting the lid off the egg box.
- Place the lid under the egg box increases the sturdiness of the box.
- Add compost to the egg box ensuring each egg compartment is full.
- Following the planting instructions on the back of the packet of seeds, with the straw or pencil create a hole in all egg compartments.
- Place one seed in every hole and cover it back up with compost.
- We recommend placing the egg box on a seed tray or Tupperware container so it holds the water, and it is important not to overwater the seedlings, the soil should be moist but not too wet.
- Place the Propagator over the top of the egg box, the Propagator will help the seedlings to grow by keeping heat and moisture in.
It’s important to check on the seeds daily and make sure that the compost remains moist. Once the Tomato plants are a few centimetres high it is important for them to receive light, you may want to move them to a window. The Propagator can also be removed at this stage.
Visit our Grow your own Tomatoes Blog for more information on caring for your tomato plants.
Be sure to tag us in your creations on our social media @BritishGardenCentres and use the hashtags #BritainGetGrowing #MyBritishGarden, we would love to see what you have made!
Activity Two: Sow Seeds with Toilet Roll Tubes
What you will need:
- Empty Toilet Roll Tubes
- Compost
- Seeds of your choice
- A pair of scissors
- A container to hold the Toilet Roll Tubes
- Straw or Pencil

- Fold the empty Toilet Roll Tube in half vertically.
- Then fold the tube in half again.
- Unfold the tube, the tube should now have 4 flat sides.
- On each edge, cut each fold at the bottom about 1.5 centimetres high, making sure that all the cuts are the same height to create tabs.
- Fold all the tabs over and interlock them to create a base for the tube.
- Repeat these steps to create the toilet paper roll pots, we recommend creating at least six planters.
- Fill the tubes with compost and with the straw or pencil create a hole for the seed. We recommend checking the planting instructions on the pack of seeds for the correct planting information for the seeds.
- Place a seed in each of the holes and cover it up with compost.
- Place all the tubes into the container, making sure they are securely placed next to each other, so they don’t fall over. If you have fewer tubes, you could tie string or ribbon around them to secure them together.
- Water the tubes so that the compost is moist but not too wet.
Be sure to tag us in your creations on our social media @BritishGardenCentres and use the hashtags #BritainGetGrowing #MyBritishGarden, we would love to see what you have made!
Activity Three: Tin Can Plant Pots
Reusing a Tin Can as a planter is a quick and easy way to repurpose the tin and keep the children entertained this school holiday.
What you will need:
- Empty Tin Cans
- Hamper and Nail
- Compost
- Kitchen Roll
- Seeds of your choice
- Straw or Pencil
- Saucer

- Firstly, make sure that the tin is fully cleaned out.
- Then you will need a hammer and a nail to put several holes into the base of the tin to allow for drainage.
- Fill the tin with compost roughly three-quarters full.
- Create a hole with the straw or pencil in the centre of the pot, following the planting instructions on the back of the seed packet.
- Cover the hole with compost.
- Place the tin on a saucer to prevent water from leaking from the bottom of the tin.
Finally, why not get creative with your tin and make it individual? Decorate your tin with paint and add ribbon or string. Be sure to tag us in your creations on our social media @BritishGardenCentres and use the hashtags #BritainGetGrowing #MyBritishGarden, we would love to see what you have made!